
Employment Support & Training Opportunities for Spouses & Partners

Employment Support & Training Opportunities for Spouses & Partners

These are links to the many organisations that offer free employment and financial support, from CV and interview skills, to starting your own business. There are also organisations that advertise positions specifically aimed at Service spouses and partners.

Employment support
Career Pursuit

Career Pursuit is a free online one-stop-shop magazine providing tailored advice to military spouses, partners, and veterans looking to build a career that works for them. The magazine highlights the challenges of employment for military spouses and partners and features solutions through a wide range of articles, from how to access free digital marketing courses to how to start a podcast and pensions for business owners and much more. It offers advice to both job seekers and entrepreneurs!

Forces Families Jobs (FFJ)

FFJ is a Tri-Service platform to enable family members of serving personnel to have a ‘one-stop shop’ where they can apply for jobs directly with employers who have signed the Armed Forces Covenant as well as find signposting to other career and training opportunities. Listen to this podcast to find out more about the platform.

Forces Employment Charity

Forces Employment Charity has launched a Families Programme that provides tailored careers and employability support to meet the diverse and individual needs of partners within the Armed Forces Community (all partners and spouses of both serving personnel and veterans including those who are separated, divorced, and widowed in the UK and overseas).

Recruit for Spouses (RfS)

RfS is  an independent and award winning social enterprise dedicated to supporting, championing and finding gainful employment for an untapped talent pool of spouses and partners to members of our Armed Forces.

Supporting the Unsung Hero

‘Supporting the Unsung Hero’ Business Start-Up Programme has been developed specifically for Armed Forces families to provide them with the transferable skills and support required to start and maintain a business.


X-Forces is an award-winning Community Interest Company that nurtures entrepreneurial ambition in the UK military community, by supporting start-up and scale-up businesses.

Training Opportunities
Amazon Web Services – Restart

Covenant signatory Amazon Web Services (AWS) have pledged support for the military community with the launch of their free four-week AWS re:Start programme, which aims to provide training and potential employment opportunities in computing technology.


The Government has put together an information hub for members of the public to access information on becoming an apprentice. Also see the Forces Families Jobs portal for more information.


Lifeworks Families is a Royal British Legions Industries programme, delivered in partnership with the Ministry of Defence, providing fantastic free employment courses.

National Careers Service

The National Careers Service provides careers information, advice and guidance. They can help you to make decisions on learning, training and work at all stages in your career.

This service is available to people who live in England.

X-Forces Business Start-up Loan

X-Forces (see ‘Employment Support’) has set up a business start-up loan scheme to help the Armed Forces community to start their own business.

Overseas Assignments
Overseas Employment

Please see our Overseas Assignments page, for information on overseas employment.

Updated on: 18th March, 2024