
Launch of easier Wraparound Childcare registration and claims process

Wraparound Childcare

Launch of easier Wraparound Childcare registration and claims process

It’s now even easier for Service families to register and claim for Wraparound Childcare (WAC). 

Following your feedback, we have simplified the process to make it easier for you and your family. WAC is now fully integrated in JPA and brings registration, claims calculations, and claims all together in one place – in the ‘My child allowances: WAC’ section.

Could your family save £3,400 a year, per child?

Over 10,500 Service children’s childcare is currently being supported by Wraparound Childcare funding.

If you have a child aged between 4 and 11 (4-16 if in receipt of disability benefits), on average, your family could save up to £3,400 per child, per year on before and after school care.

If you think your family may be eligible, find out more about WAC by visiting the Discover My Benefits Navy or Marines webpage.

What does the new process mean for me and my family?

If you’re already registered for WAC

  • Your child(ren)’s registrations will automatically be transferred to JPA on the switch over date of 19 February. You do not need to register again.
  • The Serving parent will need to check that your child(ren)’s registration details have transferred correctly after the switch over. If they haven’t, they will receive an email from the WAC team with actions to take.
  • The Serving parent can submit claims on JPA using the updated step-by-step guide available on the internal Defence Childcare Information Page on Defnet or Defence Connect
  • All claims will now be paid at the end of the month with your Service partner’s salary and be included on their payslip. Claims will also be subject to monthly payroll cut-off dates (your partner can find these on internal systems).

If you’ve not registered yet

  • Check if your family is eligible by visiting theDiscover My Benefits Navy or Marines
  • WAC claims can only be submitted for childcare used from the date shown on the registration. If your family meet the eligibility criteria, encourage your Service partner to register now.
  • However, due to the earlier registration freeze, if the Serving parent registers between 19 February and the end of March 2024 they will be able to backdate the registration to 1 February 2024, subject to eligibility.

What can you do if you are the non-Serving parent?

  • Share this article with your Service partner so you are both aware of the change in process or how to register.
  • Remind them to log onto JPA on to check the WAC registration information for your children.
  • If your Service partner is deployed, they will be able to check the registrations on their return. Make sure that you pay for childcare via your children’s Tax-Free Childcare (TFC) accounts so that if eligible, they can submit the claims once registered, on their return.

Got a question?

You can find more information on the Discover My Benefits Navy or Marines webpage (www), or the Naval Families Federations and RN FPS information sites.

Service personnel can also access FAQs and more information on the Defence Childcare Information Page on defnet or Defence Connect