
Operation Proposal: She said yes!

Operation Proposal: She said yes!

Operation Proposal: She said yes!

Charlotte and Lucas marriage proposal on the submarine and the celebrations.


Warfare Specialist Tactical Submariner Lucas added some extra magic to mark his recent return from a 5-month deployment at sea by asking his girlfriend of two years to marry him. After looking at engagement rings online, Lucas had a brainwave to go above and beyond and his ingenuity led him to try do something that has never been done before!

Using some creative thinking and forward planning to print a personalised banner, the casing party of the submarine helped to hold a bold red proposal banner proudly on top of the submarine for his girlfriend and welcoming crowds to see. 

Rules of engagement 

Lucas sought permission from his Commanding Officer and was quickly approved. He was told that the crew would accommodate his request and aid wherever possible to make it as memorable as possible. Lucas bought the banner online, delivered it to his parents and made his and Charlottes parents aware of the idea. Lucas’ parents understood the assignment and volunteered to have a ‘YES’ banner printed ready for the response, with Charlotte still very much unaware of the situation.  

As the submarine returned to Rhu in Scotland, an eye-catching red banner reading ‘Will you marry me?’ was clearly visible on top of the submarine, held by two of the crew as they approached the large crowds of loved ones who had come to celebrate their return home. His girlfriend Charlotte was overjoyed at seeing the banner resulting in a positive acceptance to Lucas’ proposal and a wonderful welcome home. 

A heart-warming homecoming 

On receiving a resounding ‘Yes!’ from his fiancé Charlotte, Lucas shared his excitement from the day adding “from my perspective onboard, it was a long patrol made longer by what I had planned. As nerve wracking as it was, it was something that I am proud to have done and I am proud to have been able to say to all present that she is my girlfriend/fiancé, and I am very much devoted to her.” 

We wish Charlotte and Lucas every happiness together in the future! 


Charlotte and Lucas standing in front of the proposal banner.