
overseas assignment Tag

[vc_row][vc_column][mkdf_accordion style="boxed_toggle"][mkdf_accordion_tab icon_pack="" title="British Defense Staff US"][vc_column_text]Visit the BDSUS website more information.[/vc_column_text][/mkdf_accordion_tab][/mkdf_accordion][mkdf_accordion style="boxed_toggle"][mkdf_accordion_tab icon_pack="" title="Military One Source"][vc_column_text]Military One Source provide other support and non-medical counselling, relationship support and advice , tax support etc. This service is available to all British SP families who hold CAC cards...

Financial top tips; getting help buying your own home; accessing the right insurance and how can the Armed Forces Covenant help with planning your finance....

When assigned overseas the International Hive information service (iHIVE) will provide Tri-Service support and up to date and relevant information for all oversea locations....